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I have known Malte for a long time and what I appreciate about him is this: He is really passionate about what he is doing, he knows what he is talking about and brings real value. Malte is truly international and brings in a multi-cultural approach besides having a very strong background in business as well as in coaching and consulting. This combination is rare. Another important point for me: He is a coach by choice! His seniority, legitimacy, credibility and passion really stand out for me. I would reach out to him for any topic!

Head of Global Talent and Leadership Development, Corporate Banking and Asset Management Institution, Paris

Dear Malte, thank you for your kindness and support in the early days of my crisis […] These last two weeks have been a big emotional roller-coaster. I applied the tool you gave me, opened up to my colleague and he started opening up back to me […] I took many steps to bring people together, gather opinion and information from other teams and managers […] to help us understand what we do and what the frustrations are. I am not nervous or anxious anymore and it made me realize that I need to become who I need to be. Thanks for helping me, I'm super grateful for it!

Engineering Manager IT, Web Content Management company, Berlin

In my coaching I got 100% of what I had hoped for. It was incredibly individualized and tailored to a very complex and challenging situation. Malte was completely responsive to my needs, but also to those of the other stakeholders. It quickly became clear that I would not be able to achieve my coaching goals without taking into account other factors and stakeholders that were not originally part of the coaching. Malte went above and beyond which made working on my goals possible. And: I was able to discuss my personal issues during my foreign assignment perfectly with Malte who is an experienced sparring partner to me. Malte added a lot of value to this specific situation. Malte is the perfect coach when it comes to developing your own leadership personality and style. He supports you in finding your way through complex power structures and finding your own role. I personally felt extraordinarily well looked after.

Director Business Development & Project Management, Chemicals company, Vancouver

Our dialogues were very profound. You always tried to bring me to the core of my thoughts. This helped me very much to become clear about my own position and to strengthen my role, especially as a woman in a male domain. I appreciate being able to talk to you about such personal matters. Through our coaching, I realized that I am doing the things I already do pretty well! In this regard, your experience has brought me tremendously forward. Through your openness and trust, you gave me the feeling that we could talk about any topic, at all times. I never had this feeling with other coaches. Thank you!

Head of Group, Manufacturing company, Hamburg

Until I worked with Malte, I was not aware that coaching could change a person's life that fast. Starting from the first session I felt that I had the power to move, take action. The magic lies not only in his professionalism and dedication but equally in his welcoming attitude which makes oneself feel extremely comfortable and powerful. Thank you for this magic touch in my life!

Head of Marketing & Business Development, International banking group, Paris

On the basis of the trustful relationship in my coaching with Malte, I have decisively increased my self-esteem, became more satisfied and learned new behaviours that I was able to implement in my everyday life. I am highly satisfied with the coaching as well as the results, because I have gained clarity for myself and changed my attitude towards certain topics in my life. In addition: Malte is one of the few who is fully capable of working closely with a team of Juniors, as well as with the Chairman of the Board, because he understands both levels and can build bridges in terms of experience and personality. I clearly recommend Malte personally as well as his coaching.

CEO, Digital Services Company, Hamburg

I have known Malte for many years and enjoyed a number of coaching sessions with him. What I value in Malte is his humbleness, honesty and careful way of listening. He asks great questions and is able to help change perspectives with his open and international mindset and experience.

Managing Director, International banking group, Düsseldorf

I really appreciate the cooperation with Malte, especially the relaxed exchange of ideas and how quickly we got along. For me, Malte is tri-cultural and at home in different cultures, which was decisive for me, because he understands me as well as the context I am in. Malte has supported me in taking a decisive step towards change.

Managing Director, International banking group, Frankfurt

Thanks for our last coaching session! Just like other times we met, I left our meeting with a great feeling, which continues to hold even now after two weeks. From our session, I got what I had hoped for: clarity for myself as to where I want to go. You have once again managed to help me find answers. What I really appreciate about you: Through your work, you challenge me to deal with things I usually prefer to avoid, just like a mentor. This sometimes feels uncomfortable, but I believe that this is exactly the key to developing yourself.

Head of Department, Manufacturing company, Hamburg

I appreciate Malte very much, he is a person of trust for me. He is a determined pragmatist with a hands-on mentality and brings international leadership experience to the table. Malte knows what he is talking about.

CEO, Medical technology company, Hamburg

Initially, coaching to me was about solving problems. With Malte, I quickly realized that coaching is much broader and bigger. Malte doesn't let his clients get away with sloppy answers or excuses. He remains persistent until you get to the core of the matter. I had to dig deep. This is sometimes hard, but it leads to the goal and that is exactly why I chose coaching. You want to move forward, to develop yourself. And Malte succeeds in this in an extraordinary way.
Today I can use my strengths in a much more specific way, because I am aware about them - as well as about my weaknesses, which I can work on. This clarity has brought me great ease. I can let go, and I am more with myself. It allows me to be a much better leader.

Regional Head of Banking Supervision, Central Bank, Frankfurt

Coaching with Malte really helped me get a large step ahead in just a few weeks. While I had tried to solve questions about my business, my goals and my profession on my own before but had never found the answers, Malte supported me structuring the process and taking action step by step. He encouraged me to challenge myself again and again and helped me see things differently just by asking the right questions. I really enjoyed working with him and will clearly continue my coaching journey.

Managing Director, Digital Agency, Copenhagen

My expectation was to meet a coach who provides realistic assistance without throwing constructs or models at me. And that's exactly what working with Malte was like. He is extremely good at filtering out the essentials from everything and thus puts his hook at where it truly "hurts". I have gained completely new insights again and again. It brought me to the next level. As a consequence, I set my professional value much higher and act more confidently.

Director Global IT, Marketing Agency, Hamburg