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Executive Coaching brings clarity in challenging situations and provides security in times of unprecedented change. I will provide you with an opportunity to define professional and personal priorities in an environment of trust, to gain new perspectives, and to help pave your road towards accomplishing your goals.

Each coaching process starts with a free initial online consultation. The focus is on getting to know each other and exploring whether you and I are a good fit. This meeting is all about looking at your current situation and to make first considerations about possible starting points for your future journey. At the same time, I will explain to you what our cooperation would look like.

As a rule, my coaching sessions are trusting one-on-one dialogues over a period of three to nine months. We can arrange the sessions and the dates very flexibly, online or on site – no matter where you are. At home. At the office. On the road, travelling. In English, German or French.

In our sessions, we work theoretically and practically to truly achieve your objectives. We reflect, we put the spotlight on your resources, and work towards implementing what you are aiming for. I will provide you with an objective perspective, a sounding board for your thoughts – and forthright feedback if you wish.

According to my clients, my coaching sessions stand out in terms of their high degree of practical relevance and liveliness. Why? It might be because I have been an international executive myself and founded my own company. In other words: I understand where you are coming from.

Arrange initial meeting

Results you can expect

Clarity and cohesion

With me, you can put the spotlight on your personal and professional challenges as well as your potential conflicts. On the basis of a fresh perspective, you will be able to craft made-to-measure solutions which you can apply on the spot and translate into your daily routine.

Awareness and impact

It is so important for you to gain a complete picture of your very own qualities. Together, we will examine new perspectives, draft personal opportunities and assess challenges. What’s in for you? A much better understanding of your own leadership style and the ability to lead others effectively.

Serenity and self-confidence

I will help you to break out of negative thinking patterns, to (re)discover your own strengths, to reduce stress and to tackle challenging projects with enthusiasm and self-confidence. In short: Not only will you be able to better cope with the daily pressure of a leadership role, but also to take the driver’s seat with passion.

“Malte is the perfect coach when it comes to developing your own leadership style and personality. He supports you in finding your way through complex power structures and taking in your own role with confidence.”

Director Business Development & Project Management, Vancouver

Your way forward

Your coaching request is unique. So is the coaching process I tailor for you. I invite you to go on your very own journey of growth and development. Together, we decide on how to best kick off your very own way forward and how your individual itinerary could look like, based on your goals and my own leadership and coaching experience. The following topics serve as a possible framework:

Leading with impact

Enhance your authenticity and self-awareness for high impact leadership. Create clarity and define purpose towards personal growth. Cultivate your executive presence and ability to inspire and communicate with others. Develop leadership potential in your team to empower others and drive change. Communicate a clear, play-to-win vision for your organization. Increase your wellbeing and resilience to cope with pressure.

Leading in transition

Successfully prepare and shape your executive transition. Manage change and uncertainty with a plan. Develop a strategic vision and proactively create clarity. Launch critical change initiatives to deliver sustainable results. Assemble and lead an engaged high performance team. Build an alliance with key stakeholders. Manage the pressure you face and increase your wellbeing in times of unprecedented change.

Taking the lead in conflict resolution and negotiation

Achieve better results in conflict resolution and negotiations. Manage conflict and handle complex negotiations with ease. Boost your individual negotiation skills in an environment of unprecedented change. Effectively prepare complex negotiations and conflict resolution dialogues. Create a courageous and authentic negotiation mindset. Better understand and influence your dialogue partner. Apply the partnership approach and learn how to team up effectively.

(Re-) Designing your career

Gain clarity in a situation of professional change and find a career that uniquely suits you. Review your career path and evaluate your strengths, qualifications and experiences objectively. Design your personal vision of the career (and life!) you aspire. Re-ignite your motivation for a position you already hold or kick off your career project with confidence. Define your personal brand and make effective use of your network authentically. Overcome roadblocks and increase your self-confidence to move forward. Explore your options and create a precise action plan to advance your career.

For effective leadership with clarity, tangible results and deep job satisfaction.

Get in touch now

Special Coaching Offers

Coaching Retreat

A retreat can be a very good way to turn your back on everyday life and to focus on your goals without any ifs and buts. For this, we travel to a tranquil location of your choice – a thatched-roof house at the North Sea, an island somewhere in the Mediterranean, or to the rainforest of the Canadian Pacific Northwest. In a place of abundant peace and quietness and without a fixed schedule, you can reflect on the really important questions and find new, unexpected solutions.

“At times, when we are going too fast, we are running the risk of losing focus.”

The retreat takes the foot off the gas – no laptop, no tablet, just pencil and paper, and back to square one.

Intensive Coaching

Have you ever tried to come up with a strategy or vision for your business at your desk? Almost impossible, isn’t it? A one- or multi-day intensive coaching offers you the opportunity to get out of the daily grind, at a location of your choice. Here, you can calmly develop new perspectives to realise your goals with strength and focus. For yourself, your team, your organisation.

Team and Organisational Development

At kalum consulting, we accompany teams and organisations on their path into the future. We help you unleash the “superpowers” of your people: clarity, courage, commitment, collective intelligence, conviction, compassion, and creativity. And thus, to grow sustainably. Across borders.

Learn more about kalum